Thursday, January 22, 2009

For years now, I have been inflicting my crazy food experiments on family/friends/neighbors - whomever I can trap in my kitchen. Whenever I am writing a cookbook or entering some crazy cooking contest, everyone who knows me has to eat some very strange food. Seriously - just last week I made "Five Minute Grapefruit Gelato" because I was entering a grapefruit cooking contest. (No, I am NOT making that up, and BTW, it was actually surprizingly good!)

So, now let the world be warned: my crazy cooking experiments have gone PUBLIC! Anne and I have started a food blog: !!! With the economy the way it is, we thought this is an idea whose time has come.

The blog is brand new, still very rough and has lots of bugs to work out. Cyber genius extraordinaire Neil Ransom is our go-to tech guy, and he is amazing!

Please visit the blog and leave us comments. We are just telling friends and family for now, and plan to go bigger with the blog later, joining blog networks, etc., but for now just friends and family. Please leave your comments - we really want input!

And, who knows - the person who leaves us the most good ideas for how we can make the blog better just might get a Donna Kelly cookbook in the mail!!!!


Haley said...

Hello, Kelly Family. I did a search to find Wasatch Life magazine and it came to your site that your husband is involved. Is there a website for this magazine or a place I can purchase it? I'm a Interior Designer and I'm told that one of the homes I did was going to be featured. I just moved to Kansas but I'm a born and raised Utahan. Any info or direction would be awesome!
Thanks! - Haley Beus

Donna said...

Hi Haley -

Please email my husband, publisher of Wasatch Life at

I'm sure he would love to send you some copies!


Heidi Robinson said...

Hey Sis Kelly! I am so excited you started a food blog! I was checking it out, I didn't know you wrote cookbooks! I was so excited I ordered them through Amazon, I just got them today! Ya! I can't wait to check them out, I love cooking!