Wednesday, February 25, 2009

News Flash: Science Discovers Happiness Formula

I went to a class recently where they talked about the human brain a lot, and what recent science has determined makes people "happy." It was amazing to me to hear these things, because it is what the prophets have been teaching since the beginning of time. Suddenly, the scientists have 'discovered' these truths. Kind of like Joseph Smith receiving a revelation cautioning against the ingestion of alcohol and tobacco - these things that science has now discovered to be harmful, and, in the case of tobacco, is not only bad - it kills you.

Anyway, for your edification, straight from my conference materials (with a few corresponding Mormon quotes and Hymns) here are the things that science has now found make people "happy:"

COUNT YOUR BLESSINGS. People who regularly concentrate on what they have to feel grateful for are - surprise! - happier than those who dwell on what's wrong with their lives. Even if you have to start with "I am grateful I have arms," this will make you happier. Mormon hymn: "Count Your Many Blessings."

DO GOOD IN THE WORLD. In study after study, any form of generosity raised people's happiness levels. As Spencer W. Kimball once most eloquently stated: "The more service you perform, the more substance there is to your soul." The Kelly kids are all good examples of this to me - they all give so much service to others that I pale in comparison - and they are all very happy people! Mormon Hymn: "Have I Done Any Good in the World Today?"

EXPRESS THANKS: Expressing gratitude and complimenting others significantly increases happiness levels. In one study, participants were asked to write just one Thank-You note to another person. The result: their happiness levels shot up significantly and stayed elevated for one whole month! Mormon Hymn: "Let Us Oft Speak Kind Words to Each Other."

PLAY TO YOUR STRENGTHS: One measure of happiness is the ability to be absorbed in a worthwhile task. Happiness levels are significantly higher, for example, for working people if they believe that they are doing something worthwhile each day. I got this quote from an Ensign article years ago:

This is the true joy in life, the being used for a purpose recognized by yourself as a mighty one; the being thoroughly worn out before you are thrown on the scrap heap; the being a force of Nature instead of a feverish selfish little clod of ailments and grievances complaining that the world will not devote itself to making you happy. -- George Bernard Shaw, Man and Superman

Mormon Hymn: "Put Your Shoulder to the Wheel."