Thursday, May 15, 2008

Chillin' with Howard and Martha

I know, I know.

You are all dying to see photos and read accounts of our Cancun adventures. Don't you worry - I'll post soon about our amazing Yucatan adventures.

But first, I wanted to ask for help from someone more techno-savy than myself. Which is pretty much everyone. Chris? Neil? J.P.? Anne? anyone else? are you up for it?

I will be interviewed on the "Sirius" radio network next Tuesday, May 20th at 12:15 Eastern time (That's 10:15 a.m. Utah time and 9:15 a.m. for Californians and you crazy time-maverick Arizonans.)

Would someone be willing to find a way to record this interview for me?

This is my first national interview - and it will be with the "Everyday Food" division of Martha Stewart Living. I doubt if Martha herself will be chatting it up with me, most likely just one of her "people." But, hey, it's nationally broadcast radio, so I am definitely JAZZED (no reference to any NBA playoff team intended).

You can sign up for a 3-day free trial membership of Sirius radio and then tune in at that time.

Despite the fact that I am seriously cyberspacailly impaired, I did manage to find the website. Quite interesting. .

It is a bizzarro world we live in where Martha Stewart and Howard Stern are the two biggest stars on the same network!


Our Famdango said...

That's awesomw, I hope some one can figure that out for you!! Can't wait to see the pics from the trip!!!!

Chris said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Chris said...

I found this site that tells you how to record on sirius. It says you have to have a full subscription not just a trial, though.


Anonymous said...

You are becoming a big deal! Well, you always were but now on a national level. Congrats!

orchard_girl said...

Way to go Donna! Good luck with the interview. Congratulations, also, on the new grandbaby.
Heather Kinoshita

jph3 said...

Hey there - congrats on the big time interview.

I tried to listen in, but it turns out my company blocks out streaming radio on the corporate network. Bummer.

Did you get it recorded?

Donna said...

The radio show went very well - they were very kids to me and threw me "softball" questions the whole time.

Martha herself wasn't there, but the head of the "Every Day Food" division did the interview.

i have now had my 15 minutes of fame!

Donna said...

Very KIND to me - sorry about the Freudian typo!