Saturday, May 3, 2008

A Grandma is BORN!!!

The new family: Anne, Aaron and Lily at their home in Holland, Massachusetts April 24, 2008 (Miss Lily is 10 days old).

Lily in her first quilt, made by Grandma Donna.
Donna and Anne smother Lily with hugs and kisses.
When a baby is born, so is a grandma, so the saying goes. And, becoming a grandma is all that I had heard it would be - thrilling!! And most importantly without all the exhausting pacing the floor at night, feeding, changing diapers, etc., etc., etc.
When you meet a grandbaby you fall in love instantly. It is a joyful feeling that defies the capabilities of language to capture. All at once calm and peaceful but exhillerating. Sort of a pay day for having been a parent.
Lily: be forewarned. You will be smothered with love all of your days!!!


Neil Ransom said...

Thanks to Anne for taking off the pressure from the rest of us. Mom now has a target for endless scrapbooking & craft making! :)

Our Famdango said...

This has nothing to do with the post but, Happy Mother's Day Donna!!! I hope it was grand in Mexico!!!