Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Matt "Donald Trump" Kelly

Yes, that's right folks. Matthew James Kelly is going toe-to-toe with the Trumpmeister, minus the haircut.
Are you sitting down? If so, read on, if you dare.
Ever since Matt was a little guy, he has loved to save his money. Any of you who have ever sent Matt a birthday check, please know that your money was preciously saved and guarded by Matt, and is now part of Matt's house. He has always loved to save. (BTW, he even has a 401(k) started!!!) Amazing that he is related to his mother!
Matt and his friend Ty both saved up enough to make the downpayment on a house, which they intend to rent out and manage together. They will be renting to a guaranteed renter: Matt's employer, the Chrysallis program. So, hopefully they will have a few less hassles than the average landlord, what with a reliable entity paying rent every month and all.
We are very proud of Matt overcoming the odds of buying a house even though he is a single male, and in the toughest economy in a very long time.
Matt's friend Ty and Ty's father have a landscaping business, so they should be getting the yard and vegetation in good shape come spring.


Anonymous said...

Sweet! Nice work!

Won't be long before we see Matt on the tube at 3am selling his "Secrets to Real Estate Wealth" books and seminars.


Anonymous said...

Matt, we are so very pleased with the progress you are making, and the business accumen that you are developing.

Wachovia & WaMu step aside, Master Mattie is at the helm.

We can't wait to see the landscaping and improvements you and Ty will make on the casita.

Sandy said...


Great job! What an awsome way to start your own business!

Watch out, tho' pretty soon we will all be asking you for advice.


Kate said...

Nice diggs Matt. We've got some lime green paint left over if you need it. ;)

Anonymous said...

Cool beans!

Anne said...

Congratulations! It may be many years before Aaron and I start to build equity. Good going!

amcardon said...

Holy crap Matt! Way to go! Sweet beard, too!