Sunday, July 27, 2008

Thaya's Tea Party

For Thaya's b-day Alexys decided to do a traditional tea party! It was great fun, and super super hot. I just wanted to post this funny photo..mainly because Mom and I were the only two adults who dressed up. We sure do love a good reason to dress silly!


Our Famdango said...

It was awesome, thanks for dressing up and for making all the great food!!! Love having you guys as family!!! You are always so lively and ready to join in!!

Donna said...

Thx for the post Amy.

And, thx to Thaya for having a birthday. We Kellys do indeed enjoy any opportunity to dress up and act silly.

I have pictures from our whole family attending the premiere of Pirates of the Carribean II as conclusive evidence!!!

And, you should see me once a month when I go into Primary dressed up as "Sister Friendly!" Even the kids laugh out loud!