Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Integrity, kindness and good humor

Ok, this really is a terrible picture of Jim, but I wanted to post a note that Amy wrote to her dad on the occasion of him having been born in '54 and turning 54 yesterday!!!

"You've played so many important roles - father, mentor and coach to name a few. But the sum of who you are is more than that. It's the way you go about your life - with integrity, kindness, and good humor. You truly do deserve the best birthday ever. Thank you for always being there for me and for being an amazing example." - Amy Kelly Welsh

As I read this, I questioned whether Amy, being a very biased person, could give an accurate assessment of him. Like Amy, I know Jim Kelly well, and I know that he is not perfect, but I also am a person who is very biased in his favor. So, can we give an accurate assessment of his character? The answer, I concluded, is a resounding YES!

The people we interact with on a daily basis are the people who know us the best. They see us as we truly are, warts and all. But because of the service and love we give to each other daily, we constantly look for and hope for the best in each other, and because of that closeness we are in a position, much like the Savior, to see us as we truly are and love us anyway. I personally take great comfort in knowing that we will be judged by a very biased person: the Savior. He is biased in our favor, He is our advocate, He loves us unconditionally. He always has, He always will.

I add a resounding AMEN to Amy's assessment. He has lived every day of the 32 years of our marriage with "integrity, kindness and good humor."

Jim - May you bless us with another 54 years!!!


Anonymous said...

Jim - Happy birthday.

And I wholeheartedly agree with the words above. You've continuously inspired me to be a better person, and this world is much better off because you have lived in it.