Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Congrats to AUDREY HICKS, President Elect!!!

It has come to the attention of the the administrators of this blog that another important election was held in California recently. And, the result was one upon which we can ALL agree: Audrey Hicks was elected president of her class!

Congrats, Audrey!

When you are older and run for President of the US, I;ll be older, too, but I promise to campaign for you and go door to door in my nursing home!


Amy Jane said...

Woo woo! Yay Audrey, you're awesome!

Gma Hicks said...

Audrey also joined her family and others in demonstrating for the yes-on-8 ammendment.

Of course they were harassed for standing up for their beliefs.

One man pulled up in his car and pointed to her and asked, "I'll bet you don't even know what this is about, do you, little girl?"

She politely answered, "Of course I do. It's about defending traditional Marriage."

Chastened, he drove off.

I'm so proud of you, Audrey, for this as well as your sweetness and goodness.

Grandma H.